
1.労働金庫の利用について / Use of the labor bank


The labor bank is a non-profit cooperative financial institution financed by fellow workers of labor unions and consumers’ cooperatives to help one another.
Members of the labor bank (also known as “ROKIN”) have access to savings and loans from the bank. As ROKIN is a non-profit financial institution for workers, it often offers many advantages over general banks.


2.全労済(全国労働者共済生活協同組合連合会)の利用について / Use of ZENROSAI (National Federation of Workers and Consumers Insurance Cooperatives)


ZENROSAI is an insurance-based cooperative established with approval from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in accordance with the Consumer Cooperatives Act. Insurance programs organized by ZENROSAI and other cooperatives are called “Kyosai” in Japanese and not “Hoken,” which is a more common word for “insurance.” (Source: Official website of ZENROSAI)
Members of ZENROSAI have access to a wide range of insurance policies offered by ZENROSAI, such as “Sogo Iryo Hosho (comprehensive medical insurance),” “My Car Kyosai (vehicle insurance)” and “Kasai Kyosai (fire insurance).” As it is a non-profit organization, one major advantage is that holders can expect a high level of security while paying relatively low premiums.


3.慶弔金の支給について / Congratulatory and condolence payments


The WTU will make congratulatory payments for marriages, childbirths, and commemorative retirement gift purchases, as well as condolence payments (and condolence telegrams) to members whose family members have passed away. Here are some regulations concerning the congratulatory and condolence payments of the WTU:


(1) Marriage: 30,000 yen
(2) Childbirth: 30,000 yen
(3) Injury/Disease: 30,000 yen (for an absence of one month or longer or hospitalization of at least ten days due to an injury or disease)
(4) Condolence: 70,000 yen (member)/ 50,000 yen (spouse)/ 30,000 yen (first-degree biological family member)
