



◯Aiming to improve salaries, various allowances and living conditions

Each year, the WTU summaries its demands concerning salaries, various allowances, benefits, university management, and so on for the year’s “shunto” spring collective bargaining. It makes necessary adjustments in coordination with the WSU, submits an integrated written request to the university and carries out negotiations based on it. This written request is created by reflecting the opinions of WTU members through a questionnaire survey, workplace discussions, and by other means. In the past several years, the WTU has consulted with the Financial Affairs Division to exchange opinions on the finances of the university.



Improving the conditions for education and research

Besides the above “shunto” collective bargaining request, another written request concerning the conditions for education and research activities is compiled and submitted to the university each year for negotiation (collective bargaining regarding the conditions for education and research). In recent years, in particular, the WTU has placed a special emphasis on negotiations aimed at improving the support systems for research activities of faculty members, such as increasing the amount of individual research allowances and enhancing the Tokutei Kadai grant and the Academic Conference Business Travel Subsidy system.



Work regulations

Meanwhile, the university has been introducing work rules (which Waseda calls “work regulations”) for all job categories. When the discretionary working system for professional work for university faculty members and the variable working hour system for the teachers of the Senior High Schools were introduced respectively, the WTU confirmed with the university that introducing these systems did not mean adopting a merit system and exchanged memorandums.

The WTU also exchanged memorandums when work regulations were established for the Senior High Schools by confirming that the regulations would not affect the traditional research conditions for the teachers of the schools.



Involvement in university management

The WTU also involves itself in university management and presidential elections by seeking information and examining the situation from its own point of view when it is considered necessary to do so. There are also cases in which the WTU asks the university to give explanations and expresses its own views in “shunto” collective bargaining sessions and other occasions.

In the past several years, in particular, the WTU has consulted with the university to confirm their common understanding and clarify points of uncertainty about the finances of the university, which form the core of university management.

In addition, members of the Guideline Committee (a review committee based on rules concerning academic research collaborations with external organizations, etc.), the Safety and Health Management Committee, and the Culture and Sports Council Committee are also selected from the WTU, reflecting the results of past labor-management negotiations.



Working towards increasing government subsidies for private universities

The Tokyo Federation of Private University Faculty and Staff Unions, the umbrella organization over the WTU, places special importance on campaigning for greater government subsidies for private universities with the goal of protecting people’s rights to education, reducing burdens on parents, and facilitating the wholesome development of private universities. The federation has been making efforts to get a substantial increase in the amount of subsidies for private universities, including organizing a petition drive with 250,000 signatures.

The WTU has also joined this cause and made joint efforts with the WSU to carry out activities with the cooperation of the university, such as conducting a survey on the financial burden faced by parents of new students and soliciting signatures.



Public relations activities

The WTU provides information about ongoing issues, progress in collective bargaining, results of its meetings, and so on through “WTU News,” and about matters that are related to WSU through “Kyoutou News.”